November Giving
There are many great organizations out there to give to, but we all know that some are better stewards of your donation than others. Anti-abortion organizations are no different, therefore, we felt it would be helpful to highlight the four best organization to give to that fight for our neighbors in the womb! Two of these organizations we give to monthly and the other two we give yearly!
Free The States
The objective of Free the States is to bring about the abolition of abortion. Everything they do is geared toward that end.
Foundation to Abolish Abortion
Their mission is, “To exalt and vindicate the image of God by promoting sound public policy that provides equal protection under the law to all preborn human beings.”
Rescue Those
“Rescue those who are being taken away to death” is the scripture Rescue Those is based on. Rescue Those helps individuals and churches learn, prepare, and go rescue our pre-born neighbors from death.
End Abortion Now
End Abortion Now was born out of a need for local churches to be equipped in bringing the Gospel into the context of abortion. Hundreds of local churches in the United States have partnered with End Abortion Now to receive training and materials (completely free) to address the issue of abortion at clinics, in the public square via media, and before their local legislatures.
Please consider giving to these wonderful organization who are working every day to abolish abortion by affording our pre-born neighbors equal protection of the laws!