The Cycle of Violence is a subject that is “near and dear” to my heart. In fact, I did an seven part series (click here for the first post) within the first two months of launching this site, and I talk about it length as well in my book on teenage dating.
Since it has been two years since I’ve discussed the topic, I wanted to do a refresher. The story I am going to tell you happened an hour from where I live, and it was in the local news cycle for months.
PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY: If the cycle of violence can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. Do not be naive reading this and think it won’t because you’re a “good Christian girl”. What I’m about to discuss really could save your life.
The Story of Emma Walker
On November 21, 2016, Emma Walker was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. She was 16 years old.
Recently, the show 20/20 did a documentary on it and the section that I really want you to watch is the one below. It is the beginning of the documentary and it explains the start of their relationship and how it progressed. If you listen carefully, you can pick up the signs of an abuser . It is about six minutes long.
For the full 40 minutes, click here.
The Cycle of Violence
Once you are in the Cycle of Violence, it is difficult to get out. My hope is by reading the Cycle of Violence series and watching Emma’s story is that you be educated about the cycle itself and the signs of an abuser so you can get out as soon as you realize something is wrong.
I also want to bring Emma’s story to your attention because her boyfriend was not physically abusive. So many times people think of abuse as physical- a slap, a punch, but there is much more. Emma, and I, were both emotionally and mentally abused and that is harder to spot initially. I tell people even now that I wish my ex had punched me because I would have realized I was in the cycle much sooner.
If it wasn’t for a 45 minute lesson in middle school about the Cycle of Violence, my situation could have turned out drastically different.
The Series
Below are the links to the series about the Cycle of Violence. Please read the first two ASAP.
- The Cycle of Teenage Dating Violence
- Seven Characteristics of an Abuser
- Quiz: Am I in an Abusive Relationship?
- How to Break up with an Abuser
- Healing After an Abusive Relationship
- How to Avoid an Abuser in your Future Relationships
- Vlog: My Personal Story of Abuse
In Closing
Please educate yourself on this topic and share it with your friends. Knowledge is power and knowing this may just give someone the power to get out of a relationship before it’s too late.
Thank you so much for your reading this and please share with ANYONE you think needs to know.
P.S. If you want to know more about our book on teenage dating, click here or the graphic below.
Photo by Ryann Flippo on Unsplash