Last week, Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life, published a letter addressed to the Biden Administration called Chemical Abortion Hurts Women. Since the title piqued my interest I took the time to read the letter, and while reviewing came across multiple concerning statements that, for the sake of truth and our pre-born neighbors in the womb, need to be addressed.
The letter opens with Ms. Hawkins referencing a new report on chemical abortion pills and stating the Biden Administration’s “obsession with death by elective abortion” has created an abortion drug cartel at the Mexican border. While the Biden Administration is certainly the most pro-abortion administration to date, this letter never mentions the driver of this demand which is pregnant women willingly seeking chemical abortion pills to kill their own children.
Why the Demand?
One key reason there is a demand for chemical abortion pills, that Ms. Hawkins fails to address in her letter, is because of the work of pro-life organizations, including Students for Life. The pro-life establishment organizations will not support any state or federal legislation unless there are specific provisions exempting the pregnant woman procuring a surgical abortion or chemical abortion pills from criminal penalties. I know that sounds absurd but look no further than May 2022 in Louisiana, when 70 pro-life organizations joined together to stop an abortion abolition bill because it did not exempt the pregnant woman from criminal penalties. Since the pro-life movement calls for the exemption of pregnant women from criminal penalties, thereby keeping it legal for them to kill their child(ren) in the womb, is it any wonder there is a demand for chemical abortion pills?
The second paragraph begins with the statement, “As with other drugs prohibited by states, Chemical Abortion Pills carry a tremendous risk for women, exposing them to injury, infertility, and even death.” While I agree this statement is correct, it fails to mention that all those other drugs are illegal for a person to take whereas chemical abortion pills, again thanks to the work of the pro-life movement, are legal for pregnant women to take in all 50 states.
Exposed or Willingly Sought?
Later in the paragraph, Ms. Hawkins blames Biden for his willingness to, “…risk the lives of women exposed to Chemical Abortion Pills.” Exposed? Chemical abortion pills are willingly sought out and taken by pregnant women to end the life of their child in the womb. Their exposure to it is willful unlike those exposed to a chemical spill or similar event. For example, view this video of a woman in Texas who had a chemical abortion and ask yourself, was she exposed to the pills or did she willingly seek them out and take them with the goal being to kill her child in the womb?
Ms. Hawkins then cites studies and articles about chemical abortion pills and calls for an environmental impact study to be done due to the discarding of children killed by chemical abortion pills. To recap, Ms. Hawkins, as a pro-life leader, is not calling for legislation to make chemical abortion pills illegal for pregnant women to possess or consume, nor is she calling for equal protection of the laws for our pre-born neighbors, but instead for a study on how chemically aborted children are impacting the environment.
In the last paragraph, Ms. Hawkins calls on Congress to take on this issue and not settle for,“…show votes on easily agreed upon legislation that does not significantly reduce the number of abortions…”; however, that is exactly the type of legislation her organization has supported in states across the country. For example, Students for Life showed no support in May 2022 for a bill called HB813, which would have abolished abortion in Louisiana. No pro-life establishment organization would support it because it treated abortion as the murder it is and did not exempt pregnant women from criminal penalty. So, instead of abolishing abortion in Louisiana, the pro-life establishment organizations urged politicians to instead pass easily agreed upon legislation that did not significantly reduce abortions and, by keeping chemical abortion pills legal for pregnant women, did not protect children in the womb from abortion. Why is Ms. Hawkins calling on Congress to do something her own organization will not even do?
This is yet another example of why I do not regret my decision to leave the pro-life movement and become an abolitionist. If you, like me, believe God’s word and science that both confirm life begins at fertilization and that our neighbors in the womb should be protected from abortion, I encourage you to learn more about the abolitionist movement here and also consider donating to organizations like Free The States, who are fighting to truly abolish abortion, unlike Students for Life.