Encouragement. It’s something I definitely need at this point in my life.
Lately, I have been plagued by the feeling that nothing I do matters because it doesn’t seem that anyone cares about what I do.
I know that this is a “straight up” lie because raising tiny humans matters. The work I do on this blog for the Lord matters. Being a good wife matters. Shining the light of Christ in a dark world matters. However, from time to time, I just get discouraged.
However, there are two verses that I keep referring back to to help me through this time, so I thought it would be appropriate to share with you.
The video below is approximately three minutes and I hope that you feel better after you watch it 🙂
Thanks for watching and please share with anyone you think may need it. Spreading encouragement is always a good thing!
In Christ,
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash
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